Everyone is invited to attend
Conversational Apologetics on
November 29, 2007, Thursday at 1:30 to 4:30 PM at the Every Nation Building in The Fort.The event speaker,
Dr. Dave Geisler, will share practical ways of integrating biblical truths into your everyday conversation. Whether you are a small group leader or a new member excited for more of God, the seminar will enable you to share your faith more effectively with your family and friends.
Dr. Geisler has been involved in college ministry for more than fifteen years and through him and his team, they started Meekness and Truth™ Ministries that aims to help simplify the sharing of the gospel to individuals who have strong doubts about Christianity or their Christian faith.
Registration fee for Conversational Apologetics seminar is
Php250.00, which include handouts. Slots are limited so sign up today.
This ENLI Leader Lecture series is done in partnership with Meekness and Truth™ Ministries, a ministry that is part of the network of Ravi Zacharias.