Monday, February 2, 2009

Psalm 23


The book of Psalms is a collection of songs that covers almost every area of human experience and emotion: Fear, confidence, anger, sorrow, praises, crying for help, worship, celebration, or brokenness.

Nowadays, musicians and songwriters alike are considered modern-day philosophers. Songs are considered powerful as listeners are moved by the messages in them.

Psalm 23 was a song written by David 300 years ago. It is a song that still resounds in the hearts of people until now.


A shepherd is one who tends to a flock of sheep. He cares for them, feeds them, guides them, protects them and fights for them. David speaks of God as his shepherd. He speaks of it as someone who is intimate with the Father, one who has a deep and personal relationship with Him. He refers to God in the present tense, indicating that God is always in existence and is always concerned about our present mundane and/or complex concerns.

Just as God is David’s shepherd, so is He ours as well. He stays with us, holds us by the hand, and leads us to safety:
  1. He gives us PEACE
    “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters” (v. 2).
    God is the one who leads us to greener pastures, we do not need to look for it.
    The sheep, by nature, are afraid of running water because they will drift away with the moving water. David tells of God leading his children to peaceful, quiet waters where we do not need to strive.

  2. He is our RESTORER.
    “he restores my soul” (v. 3).
    When God restores us, he makes us better than before.

  3. He is our PROTECTOR.
    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me” (v. 4).
    God is always concerned about our protection. Every person goes through a season of fear. Many times, we fear because we think that we are alone. The bible says that no weapon formed against us will prosper because we are with Him (Isaiah 54:17).

    Shepherds used their rods to fight off wolves and other animals that would try to attack the sheep and they use the staff to lead them back when they stray. The hook at the end is used to redeem the sheep that had fallen into pits. In the same way, God protects us from harm and would discipline us when we are running astray to protect us from getting hurt. He also brings us back up to our feet when we have fallen.

  4. He gives us VICTORY.
    “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” (v.5).
    God is the one who moves on our behalf against our enemies. He vindicates us (2 Chronicles 7-8; Romans 12:19). He also gives us victory over sicknesses and abundantly provides for us.

  5. He is our SECURITY.
    “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (v. 6).
    Many people invest in many things because they want security. David speaks of God as his security. He also reveals of our destiny with God when we will dwell with Him whose presence makes it all beautiful.

    The bible says that the LORD blesses His people that we can be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:1-4a).
There was once a Shakespearean actor who was known to give excellent performances. At the end of his acts, he would recite Psalm 23 for which he would receive thunderous applause and a standing ovation every time. In one of his performances, right before he could conclude the show with his usual routine, a young lad came up and requested to be the one to recite the verses. Taken by surprise, the actor stepped back and turned the stage over to him. The lad simply and without any thespian expertise, opened the bible and read the verses. There was no thunderous applause, no standing ovation when he finished. But when the actor looked over to the audience, he saw tears welling in their eyes. Prompted by his curiosity and possibly, his ego, the actor inquired of the lad: “I’ve done this many times but I have never made that kind of impact to my audience. How did you do it?” to which the young boy replied, “sir, with all due respect, you know all the words of Psalm 23 and have memorized every line, but I know the Shepherd.”

God is a personal God. He knows the numbers of hair in our heads (Luke 12:7), and He knows each of us by name (Isaiah 43:1). We, his children, must know who our shepherd is for our Shepherd is more than enough.

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” John 10:27.**

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